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"PU$$Y TALK$"  attracting & dominating wealthier candle is to help you manifest a life of luxury provided from men! This special blend of herbs and full moon charged crystals is to help bring men with money and willing to spend on a trill one! If you want to manifest money from men, this the perfect candle for you! Whats cool about this handmade candle? I include instructions on how to work this candle properly to make you a "luxury magnet". This candle is different from other manifestation candles because I include which day to burn it and how long, so you save money on manifestation candles especially during this hard time! This can last you a month or longer! This candle is also travel safe unlike your ordinary candles that can break, I love that as a former traveling stripper! Once you let the candle cool and dry, you can even pack it away if you like discreet magic!